Too Stupid to be Intelligent


Although no blame or fault is assigned to the advanced human species for the series of natural events that spawned the aberration (as per above), the resulting explosion of our brain size did endow advanced humans (for better or for worse) with a super-sophisticated psyche embodying a unique and unprecedented level of ‘intelligence’. And this is where blame and fault do come into play. The 300% growth in genus homo’s brain in only two to three million years caused a fundamental shock to the human’s biological equilibrium and triggered the ideological revolution. This in turn triggered the agricultural revolution and the paradigmatic shift from simple hunter/gatherers cultures to complex stratified societies and the establishment of an elitist-controlled social order. The new and completely untested addition of intelligence to our evolutionary trajectory propelled advanced humans into a precarious dilemma…what would we do with it (intelligence), now that we had it?

There is no malicious intent behind the use of the word ‘stupid’ above. Most dictionaries describe the term as meaning; to exist in a state of ‘stupor’, mentally dazed and confused, perhaps lost and disoriented, etc. Through a monumental quirk of nature we humans were blessed – or cursed – with this powerful attribute and the events unfolding over the course of western civilization is the litmus test that measures how wisely – or stupidly – we have used and applied the attribute of ‘intelligence’.

I rest my case.